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  • Industrial shredders, crushers, grinders, shredding plants

    SatrindTech is a leading manufacturer of industrial shredders, crushers, grinders and shredding plants for various industries and waste treatment Find the right shredder for We manufactures a wide range of industrial shredders, grinder and crusher for every kind of shredding, treatment, disposal and recycling of wasteIndustrial shredders grinder waste crusher SatrindTech Srl

  • 2‐shaft‐shredder‐F15‐serie electric drive SatrindTech Srl

    2‐shaft‐shredder‐f15‐serie are suitable for shredding several materials Our Sales Dept is available to list the features of our industrial shreddersSatrind公司採用特殊合金鋼,經過熱滴注式溶鑄處理(hotdrop forged)世界獨一製程,將鋼材纖維完全分佈於刀具上,可以避免在切削鋼片時造成任何刀具內部微小龜裂;其刀硬度 Satrind 工业用都市废弃物破碎机 shengtung

  • 2 shaft shredder S3 SatrindTech Srl DirectIndustry

    Open the catalog to page 3 F410/360 The model F410/360, with 75 kW electric power, can be used to process high quantity of food waste: for this reason, it is more suitable for SatrindTech designs, manufactures and installs industrial shredders and crushers and is able to offer solutions specially designed to solve any problem related to shredding of SatrindTech Srl Information and distributors around the

  • All SatrindTech Srl catalogs and technical brochures

    All SatrindTech Srl catalogs and technical brochures QUALITY CERTIFICATE UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 1 Pages 2 SHAFT INDUSTRIAL SHREDDER DC/S SERIES SatrindTech has focused on achieving the maximal reliability from the machines, providing a complete engineering consultancy and customized solutions based on our clients COMPANY AND INDUSTRIAL SHREDDERS PRESENTATION

  • Primary shredder F 15 series SatrindTech Srl

    2 SHAFT SHREDDERS Find out all of the information about the SatrindTech Srl product: primary shredder F 15 series Contact a supplier or the parent company directly to get a A Wide Range of Shredders Together with the F10, this 2shaft shredder (available in 3 versions) is one of the best seller inside the range of shredders produced by SatrindTechSatrindtech F 515 F 615 F1015 F1315 Power 15 HP 2

  • 2‐shaft‐shredder‐2R50ER‐serie electric drive SatrindTech Srl

    The shredders belonging to the 2R50ER and 2R100ER series represent a valid electricdriven equipment alternative to the standard hydraulic version, suitable for all those cases where there is a need of remarkable performances (respectfully up to 3 and 5 t/h) but the area where the shredder would be located is not big enough for placing also the SatrindTech Srl Via Monfalcone, 122 – 20004 Arluno (MI) – Italy +39 02 9037 6683 +39 02 9037 6721 : info@satrindtech : IT Our website will give you all the necessary contact information: where to find us and how to reach our offices and factoryHow to contact and where to find us in Arluno (Milan, Italy

  • Main Home Satrindo Mitra Utama

    WELCOME TO SATRINDO We specialize in aiding and modernizing agricultural farming through stateoftheart equipment and comprehensive services Get In Touch MOVING FURTHER WITH HYUNDAI CE Now, Hyundai CE products availabe at Satrindo, don’t miss how we strives to create a happy future and advance you one step further See Product Satrind ® SATRINDTECH is an Italian recycling company They manufacture and install industrial shredders, grinders and crushers The products are for shredding of many types of materials for recycling and / or treatment and disposal of waste SATRINDTECH operates on the market covering more than 40 countries worldwideSatrind ® Eurotools Ltd ESHOP BETTER THAN OEM PARTS

  • 4‐shaft‐shredder‐4R100150‐serie hydraulic drive

    Available options 4R 10/100/ER 4R 13/100/ER 4R 10/150 4R 13/150; Blades Set (50mm / 5 1picks – single setting) • • • • Soundproofing of hydraulics powerpackThe shredders of this class are used in industrial processes for the volume reduction of the following materials: plastic (purges in PET, HDPE, PVC, PP o PC, and plastic in general, pipes and profiles, PET bottles, etc, HDPE cans, drums and IBCs, automotive components in ABS, PU, PP, PE), RDF and SRF, packaging, solid/liquid separation, oil filtres, food Satrind K825 K1025 K1325 Power 25 HP 2 Shaft Shredder

  • SATRIND SpA Arluno, Italy

    About SATRIND Engineering , manufacturing and installation of industrial shredders and complete shredding plants Read more about SATRIND Show less Facts about SATRIND Facts about SATRIND Focus : Manufacturer; Industry : Production technology; Here you will find SATRIND SpA News News Più di 3000 trituratori Satrind sono impiegati presso nostri clienti e partner sia locali che internazionali La nostra consolidata esperienza e knowhow ci permettono di offrire sia soluzioni personalizzate rispondendo alle esigenze del singolo cliente, sia soluzioni più complesse per grossi impianti di trattamento di rifiuti collaborando con i nostri partner Impianti triturazione trattamento rifiuti SatrindTech Srl

  • Satrind F615 Twin Shaft Shredder Granulators and

    Satrind F615 Twin Shaft Shredder Hopper: 578 x 620mm, Disk diameter (mm): 30 Number of teeth: 19 Motor performance (kW): 15 low speed, hi torque 01992 info@rawmec Subscribe Subscribe to newsletter Please add MailChimp API Key in Theme Options > General Settings > API Integrations Home;1982 Satrind was established following more than ten years of experience acquired by planning, engineering and manufacturing industrial shredding machines in the most different fields designed to recycle and dispose of industrial and urban waste At the beginning the range of Satrind ‘s products included only small industrial shredders with Shreddersknowhow and our history SatrindTech Srl

  • Shreddersmanufacturer crusher manufacturer SatrindTech Srl

    SatrindTech: a dynamic reality in the industrial shredders manufacturer and crushers production SatrindTech designs, manufactures and installs industrial shredders and crushers and is able to offer solutions specially designed to solve any problem related to shredding of many types of materials for recycling and / or treatment and disposal of OPTIONS 4‐shaft‐shredder‐4r200400‐serie are suitable for shredding several materials Our Sales Dept is available to list the features of our industrial shredders4‐shaft‐shredder‐4r200400‐serie hydraulic drive

  • 2‐shaft‐shredder‐K30‐serie electric drive SatrindTech Srl

    The K30 shredders are used in industrial processes for the volume reduction of the following materials: plastic (purges in PET, HDPE, PVC, PP o PC, and plastic in general, pipes and profiles, PET bottles, etc, HDPE cans, drums and IBCs, automotive components in ABS, PU, PP, PE), RDF and SRF, packaging, solid/liquid separation, oil filters, food waste, UNIT DESCRIPTION Engine Type: PERKINS 1104C44TTTG Engine Gross: 992 HP (740 Kw) MFWD (4 Wheel Drive) Transmission: Synchro Mesh (Main) , Constant Mesh (Range) PTO Type: Independent PTO 3point Hitch Cat II Lift Capacity 2400 kgs @ lift point Front tire 12424 and Rear tire 18434Kioti PX1002 Satrindo Mitra Utama

  • Satrindtech F 515 F 615 F1015 F1315 Power 15 HP 2

    Together with the F10, this 2shaft shredder (available in 3 versions) is one of the best seller inside the range of shredders produced by SatrindTechSatrindTech Srl 614 follower su LinkedIn Shredding solutions for a cleaner world SatrindTech: Soluzioni Innovative per la Triturazione Industriale SatrindTech, leader nel settore della triturazione, è specializzata nella progettazione, produzione, installazione e manutenzione di avanzati trituratori industriali e laceratori Con un impegno costante SatrindTech Srl LinkedIn

  • Knowhowtrituratori e la nostra storia SatrindTech Srl

    Satrind amplia la gamma alle macchine a quattro alberi con griglia di selezione 2008 Lancio dei nuovi modelli di medie dimensioni 2R 100/SD, 2R 75 e 3R 125 progettati per meglio rispondere alle esigenze di mercato 2005 Satrind progetta e lancia l’innovativa Serie “R”, trituratori a due e tre alberi di grossa dimensioneOPZIONI Trituratori2alberiserie2r150 per le più diverse soluzioni di triturazione Contattateci per conoscere la gamma dei nostri trituratori industrialiTrituratori2alberiserie2r150 azionamento idraulico

  • Satrind Twin Shaft Shredder Recycling Plant Machinery Ltd

    All machines offered are subject to prior sale, sold as seen and carries no warranty either assumed or implied Read our Terms Conditions here Satrind Twin Shaft Shredder for sale from the UK’s leading expert supplier of new and used waste recycling equipment and machinery Please call 01792 or NS Broyeur2arbresserief15 sont conseillés pour le broyage de différents matériaux Contactez notre commercial pour découvrir nos broyeurs industrielsBroyeur2arbresserief15 moteur électrique SatrindTech Srl

  • Como encontrar nuestros contacto y donde encontrarnos

    Via Monfalcone, 122 – 20004 Arluno (MI) – Italia Tel +39 02 9037 6683 Fax +39 02 9037 6721 Email: info@satrindtech PIVA: IT Encontrarán en nuestro sitio toda la información de contacto: donde encontrarnos y como llegar a nuestras oficinas y a nuestro ment nous avezvous connu ? Recherche sur internet Réseau social (Linkedin, FB, etc) Direct Industry Boucheàoreille Déjà client/recommandation Autre Je souhaite m’abonner à la Newsletter et recevoir les offres spéciales, nouveautés produit et actualitésContact et adresse à Arluno (Milan, Italie) SatrindTech Srl

  • Trituratori2alberiserief15 azionamento elettrico SatrindTech Srl

    Trituratori2alberiserief15 per le più diverse soluzioni di triturazione Contattateci per conoscere la gamma dei nostri trituratori industrialiLa corretta gestione dei rifiuti sanitari ed ospedalieri e, in generale, dei rifiuti pericolosi rappresenta una grande opportunità di sviluppo, nonché di prevenzione per la riduzione dei rischi per l’ambiente Insieme a SatrindTech, puoi minimizzare i rischi e ottimizzare i processi di smaltimentoLa gestione dei rifiuti sanitari ed ospedalieri SatrindTech Srl

  • Triturador industrial 2 ejes serie F15 SatrindTech Srl

    Junto con la F10, esta trituradora de dos ejes (disponible en 5 versiones por la longitud de la cámara de trituración) es otro de los éxitos de la gama de trituradoras SatrindTech Las aplicaciones para las que se puede utilizar este modelo son incontables, casi exclusivamente en ámbitos industriales donde se requiere una reducción Established in 2001 as a subsidiary of Sahabat Group, PT SATRINDO MITRA UTAMA specializes in the distribution of high quality agriculture machinery throughout Indonesia Through the years, we have been trusted to be the distributor agent of various top agricultural companies from all over the world With our prime service system and human About us Satrindo Mitra Utama

  • Savoirfairebroyeurs et notre histoire SatrindTech Srl

    Satrind élargit sa gamme de produits en proposant des broyeurs quatre arbres avec grille de calibrage 2008 Satrind conçoit de nouveaux modèles de broyeurs qui complètent la série « R » : 2R100SD, 2R75 et 3R125 pour répondre aux différentes exigences du marché 2005Engine DAEDONG 4B243DTMC 4 Cylinders; Engine Gross Power 55 HP 410 KW; Transmission: Manual Shuttle Type: Synchro Shuttle; Maximum PTO Power 417 HP/Rpm 435 HP Independent; Type Front: 95 – 16 Type Rear: 13626; 3Point Hitch Cat I Lift Capacity 1334 Kg @ Lift PointKioti EX55 Satrindo Mitra Utama

  • Soluzioni di triturazione per trituratoricarta SatrindTech Srl

    Trituratoricarta per le applicazioni di triturazione Contattate il nostro Ufficio Vendite per conoscere tutte le nostre soluzioni di triturazioneIl trattamento di cartoni di imballaggi per la riutilizzazione della cellulosa Si calcola che possiamo mandare al macero il materiale fino a sei/sette volte e che oltre il 50% del cartone prodotto in Europa provenga dal recupero di un bene così preziosoSoluzioni di triturazione per trituratoricartone SatrindTech Srl

  • 2‐shaft‐shredder‐2R50ER‐serie electric drive SatrindTech Srl

    The shredders belonging to the 2R50ER and 2R100ER series represent a valid electricdriven equipment alternative to the standard hydraulic version, suitable for all those cases where there is a need of remarkable performances (respectfully up to 3 and 5 t/h) but the area where the shredder would be located is not big enough for placing also the SatrindTech Srl Via Monfalcone, 122 – 20004 Arluno (MI) – Italy +39 02 9037 6683 +39 02 9037 6721 : info@satrindtech : IT Our website will give you all the necessary contact information: where to find us and how to reach our offices and factoryHow to contact and where to find us in Arluno (Milan, Italy

  • Main Home Satrindo Mitra Utama

    WELCOME TO SATRINDO We specialize in aiding and modernizing agricultural farming through stateoftheart equipment and comprehensive services Get In Touch MOVING FURTHER WITH HYUNDAI CE Now, Hyundai CE products availabe at Satrindo, don’t miss how we strives to create a happy future and advance you one step further See Product Satrind ® SATRINDTECH is an Italian recycling company They manufacture and install industrial shredders, grinders and crushers The products are for shredding of many types of materials for recycling and / or treatment and disposal of waste SATRINDTECH operates on the market covering more than 40 countries worldwideSatrind ® Eurotools Ltd ESHOP BETTER THAN OEM PARTS

  • 4‐shaft‐shredder‐4R100150‐serie hydraulic drive

    Available options 4R 10/100/ER 4R 13/100/ER 4R 10/150 4R 13/150; Blades Set (50mm / 5 1picks – single setting) • • • • Soundproofing of hydraulics powerpackThe shredders of this class are used in industrial processes for the volume reduction of the following materials: plastic (purges in PET, HDPE, PVC, PP o PC, and plastic in general, pipes and profiles, PET bottles, etc, HDPE cans, drums and IBCs, automotive components in ABS, PU, PP, PE), RDF and SRF, packaging, solid/liquid separation, oil filtres, food Satrind K825 K1025 K1325 Power 25 HP 2 Shaft Shredder

  • SATRIND SpA Arluno, Italy

    Get the chemical industry in your inbox From now on, don't miss a thing: Our newsletter for the chemical industry, analytics, lab technology and process engineering brings you up to date every Tuesday and ThursdayPiù di 3000 trituratori Satrind sono impiegati presso nostri clienti e partner sia locali che internazionali La nostra consolidata esperienza e knowhow ci permettono di offrire sia soluzioni personalizzate rispondendo alle esigenze del singolo cliente, sia soluzioni più complesse per grossi impianti di trattamento di rifiuti collaborando con i nostri partner Impianti triturazione trattamento rifiuti SatrindTech Srl

  • Satrind F615 Twin Shaft Shredder Granulators and

    The Satrinf F615 2shaft shredder is one of the best seller inside the range of shredders produced by SatrindTech The materials you can process are several, mainly in the industry for volume reduction applications: plastic (purges in PET, HDPE, PVC, PP o PC, and plastic in general, pipes and profiles, PET bottles, etc, HDPE cans and drums, automotive 1982 Satrind was established following more than ten years of experience acquired by planning, engineering and manufacturing industrial shredding machines in the most different fields designed to recycle and dispose of industrial and urban waste At the beginning the range of Satrind ‘s products included only small industrial shredders with Shreddersknowhow and our history SatrindTech Srl

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